Enlightened to attend the Video Conference headed by Hon PM Foreign Minister and Commerce Minister for Growth of Export by India and opportunities for the same with focus on SEZ n Startups ASSOCHAM4India SavvyAhmedabad CREDAINational

Managing Director of Savvy | President of CREDAI | Reputed Builders in Gujarat | Savvy Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. | S. G. Highway | Ahmedabad | Gujarat | India

Jaxay Shah, Managing Director of Savvy | President of CREDAI | Reputed Builders in Gujarat | Savvy Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. | S. G. Highway | Ahmedabad | Gujarat | India

Enlightened to attend the Video Conference headed by Hon. PM, Foreign Minister and Commerce Minister for Growth of Export by India and opportunities for the same with focus on SEZ n Startups. @ASSOCHAM4India @SavvyAhmedabad @CREDAINational https://t.co/wdeJBgHO6l

Enlightened to attend the Video Conference headed by Hon. PM, Foreign Minister and Commerce Minister for Growth of Export by India and opportunities for the same with focus on SEZ n Startups. @ASSOCHAM4India @SavvyAhmedabad @CREDAINational https://t.co/wdeJBgHO6l

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