Following a successful learning experience at the Uttar Pradesh Gunvatta Sankalp, the Quality Council of India is actively engaging with states to further the #QualityMission. This initiative represents a humble contribution towards enhancing the quality of life for citizens across various Indian states, inviting them to join the #QualityMovement. Our next destination is Odisha, and we will be in Bhubaneshwar on Monday, June 26, 2023, to engage in discussions with industry leaders and government officials. Together, we aim to identify key areas of improvement and collaborate towards enhancing the quality of life for the citizens of Odisha.
So join us on the 26th of this month in Bhubaneshwar, by clicking on the link here: http://bit.ly/3qMIlSE
@narendramodi | @piyushgoyalofficial | @qualitycouncilofindia | @credai_national | @assocham | @followcii | @ficci_india | @followciier
Following a successful learning experience at the Uttar Pradesh Gunvatta Sankalp, the Quality Council of India is actively engaging with states to further the #QualityMission. This initiative represents a humble contribution towards enhancing the quality of life for citizens across various Indian states, inviting them to join the #QualityMovement. Our next destination is Odisha, and we will be in Bhubaneshwar on Monday, June 26, 2023, to engage in discussions with industry leaders and government officials. Together, we aim to identify key areas of improvement and collaborate towards enhancing the quality of life for the citizens of Odisha. So join us on the 26th of this month in Bhubaneshwar, by clicking on the link here: http://bit.ly/3qMIlSE @narendramodi | @piyushgoyalofficial | @qualitycouncilofindia | @credai_national | @assocham | @followcii | @ficci_india | @followciier