It s an honour to have Shri HardeepSPuri launch today in the presence of Secretary D S Misraji This app is going to be a gateway to the world One can now simultaneously connect with developers across India CREDAINational Secretary_MoHUA SavvyAhmedabad


Jaxay Shah,  CREDAIAwaasApp

It’s an honour to have Shri@HardeepSPuri launch #CREDAIAwaasApp today in the presence of Secretary D S Misraji. This app is going to be a gateway to the world. One can now simultaneously connect with developers across India.
@CREDAINational @Secretary_MoHUA @SavvyAhmedabad

It’s an honour to have Shri@HardeepSPuri launch #CREDAIAwaasApp today in the presence of Secretary D S Misraji. This app is going to be a gateway to the world. One can now simultaneously connect with developers across India. @CREDAINational @Secretary_MoHUA @SavvyAhmedabad

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